Despite its funky recipe, which combines four disparate spirits in a tall cocktail glass, the LIIT has become a beloved classic. However, this drink packs a punch, and there are not many people who sit on the fence regarding their opinion on it!
If you're making an LIIT at home, Add a refreshing touch by squeezing some fruit into the mix. To tone down the boozy parts of the drink, you can reduce the alcohol content from 75 ml to 15 ml and replace it with cola. Jade Forest Premium Drinks, which is available on Boozlo, offers premium iced tea that can be used to add an extra layer of flavor to your delicious and unique LIIT.
Here's the recipe for a classic LIIT:
- 15 ml Tequila
- 15 ml Vodka
- 15 ml White rum
- 15 ml Cointreau (Triple Sec)
- 15 ml Gin
- 30 ml Lemon juice
- 20 ml simple syrup
- Top with Cola
- Add all the ingredients into a highball glass over ice.
- Add a tinge of cola for enhanced flavor and give it a gentle stir.
- Garnish with a lemon slice for a subtle, light, and refreshing look.
For best results, make sure to keep in mind the proportions of all the elements, as this drink includes high alcohol concentration (approximately 40 percent).
Remember, when it comes to cocktails, the possibilities are endless. Get creative with your presentation and experiment with different mixers and garnishes to find the perfect combination that suits your taste. Boozlo has a vast collection of premium cocktail mixers, including Sipp Cocktails and Jade Forest Premium Drinks, to help you curate your perfect drink. And don't forget to garnish your drink with a lemon slice for a refreshing touch.
Boozlo's tip:
Remember, when it comes to cocktails, the possibilities are endless. Get creative with your presentation and experiment with different mixers and garnishes to find the perfect combination that suits your taste. Boozlo has a vast collection of premium cocktail mixers, including & Stirred, Lazy Cocktails, Cocktail Baba, Sober & Co. & more to help you curate your perfect drink. And don't forget to garnish your drink with a lemon slice for a refreshing touch.
1 comment
Thanks for explaining the making process in such a simple manner.